I'm very much starting to think: VACCINES = POISON. I don't ever want another flu shot. I never want any sort of medical procedure. I don't want the dentist. None of them listen and then they give you poison on top of it. Fuck the whole lot.
Moon ain't real, yo. Just a light in the sky, no terrain. Why is this so hard to understand. If we know NASA lies… we don't get to pick and choose, everything is lies. All of science is lies really bc science and the msm are entwined.
Trip 6 too?!? I think you might be right. That prison girl in Cali keeps knockin on my mind for the antichrist.
Def notable if that really happened. I'm sick of these fuck wits telling everybody what to do and not doing their fucking jobs. Fuck them, I have always done my job and I've never been paid anywhere near what those idiots make.
This really makes me angry. It's like that pentagon money mixup, then 9/11. People work their asses off and they "lose" billions. I have been on the verge of losing everything, over such a tiny fraction of this amount of money. And they just squander it like it's nothing. It isn't fair.
KPax has a bluebird and Kevin Spacey….
The moon doesn't really DO anything. Blah blah blah tides. That is fucking stupid. Everyone everywhere is fucking stupid bc we live on lies. Nothing is real you tardo. Don't you fucking GET IT YET???
Everything is what you make it. All the things that suck will teach you something. Do you have food, water and shelter? Be grateful. Everything is all fucked up. No matter how deep you go, it all comes back to that.