Roger that. I'm unsure how updated that is.
I've got a timeline already set up with all of Q drops and all potus tweets. Adding in decodes would not be hard if it were organized better than the existing spreadsheet.
Maybe a more mainstreamish blog? This is really the direction I was heading in - infact I just started setting it up a couple days ago.
I based that off the [0] delta pointing to the [-7] delta on the same post.
[0] {00:07} [-7] {-07:27}
Are you calendar anon?
Is that available? Smashing that with this may be pretty easy…
IMO I believe that there are a bunch of pedos/murderers in govt. I do not believe that this is the major part of why Q came here - yet anyways. Q is here to help us to understand what was going on with the DOJ/FBI/C_A corruption and illegal spying on US citizens.
The Great Awakening is about waking up to fake news, to seeing that we have ALL been manipulated and lied to by a bunch of corrupt 'elites'. Patriot Party is appropriate because it's not about party lines.