>>4694514 (lb)
>How we will vet them?
By their shit posting history, obviously.
Now more seriously.
This whole thing takes into account a fuck load of factors because although you're correct in the sense of it being the most rational analysis of the situation at hand, humans are not rational animals, they are animals who have the capacity for rational thought, BUT, they don't operate for the most part using rational decision making processes, and even when they do, most of the time they are presented with ambiguity, lack of complete information, and cognitive biases.
Also, you need to read or watch Enders Game (which is in US army reading list, for good reasons), and pay special attention to this: you don't fight a war to win a war, you fight a war to win ALL FUTURE wars. The point is not to beat the enemy, is to make sure that he won't EVER be able to harm you again. And add to that the way we win matters, and that all this shit show (wars are always messy, this is why I call it a shit show) needs to be done in a way that contributes for the restoration of the rule of law (meaning, we can't just murder all the bad guys and call it a day, no matter how seductive that idea might be, on a biological, primal emotional level).
I have no idea of what Trump is going to pull to get everyone out of this mess, but I have learned to trust and have faith, so I just try to do what I think is right and helps out in the long term (and I try to reflect on wtf I'm doing here almost everyday and ask for God's assistance in taking the right decisions and actions, because who really knows how a variation in the equation might affect the outcomes as we go over the timeline of the time continuum).
I need to sleep, and get my shit together IRL again because I am about to burnout again (after snapping 2 times now over the months (which where years before Q was a thing) I have learned to recognized the symptoms, and I know better to go AFK before I start reeeeeing and sperging out big time again).
After all, I have decided to put my trust into Trump, even if sometimes I don't understand his plays (expected, if I could, I would not be here, certainly), and I've decided that I would try to understand how to best help him in his mission and how to materialize said help. And this is what I try to do as best as I can, for now, until I GTFO of this shithole corrupt den of vipers and put in my papers to try and get a green card, and if I do get them, then I want to serve because I think its the best thing to do, and I would be honored and it would be the best thing in my life (don't worry thou, if I don't get accepted for the green card, I won't overstay, I will GTFO to Russia or Poland or some nice place like that).
Be well frens, I'mma get some rest now so I can come back even stronger :D