Rep. Andy Biggs: Democrats rigged the House rules to undermine GOP victories
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and the Democrats have proposed rules of the House of Representatives that will emasculate the Republican wins over the past two years. The agenda of the new Democrat committee leaders will result in further divisiveness in Congress and the nation. Consequently, political discourse will continue to devolve and individual freedom will be attacked. Democratic leaders are using the rules package to lay the ground work for higher taxes, frivolous investigations, and prevention of advancing funds for a border wall and defense spending. They have prepared to defend any changes in Obamacare. Democrats will foist crazy climate change policies on the public — just as we are seeing rejection of those ideas by people around the globe. They will also automatically increase our national debt without the transparency of debate and voting by Congress. They propose a prohibition against advance appropriations that will prevent funding being allocated for future border wall costs. This will also be a problem as our military budgets have to plan their spending for several years ahead. This is irresponsible and dangerous, in both instances, to our national security.
Democrats specifically include in the rules a provision that expands authority to investigate the office of the president of the United States. At some point they might want to consider the separation of powers doctrine. Measures that have been designed to prevent Congress from raising taxes are being tossed aside. Pelosi makes sure she has standing to intervene in litigation concerning Obamacare — specifically listing the recent Texas case that found Obamacare unconstitutional.
Throw in the creation of a “climate crisis” committee that gives Democrats a new vehicle to promote the types of radical policies that will cripple our economy without improvement of the environment. For many years, Congress has been required to debate and vote on a separate bill if it wants to increase our national debt. While this has not been an effective check on government spending, it at least provided notice to the public and required some measure of accountability on the part of Congress. The Democrats will change this practice to one that automatically “deems” approval of our national debt simply by approving a spending bill. Whoops. That is designed to keep the public in the dark on our out-of-control budget deficits and national debt.
Not only will Democrats use the rules of the body to advance a radically left-wing agenda, they have plans to abuse the committee system as they gain the leadership of all of the House’s committees. That means Pelosi's return as House speaker will bring about committee heads Reps. Maxine Waters, D-Calif.; Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y.; Elijah Cummings, D-Md.; and others. Committee leaders control, with help from the speaker, the bills and agenda for the House. They will provide direction for the country. For instance, Cummings is the incoming chairman of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee. The week before Christmas he sent more than 50 letters to the president’s associates as part of his soon-to-commence investigation of the administration.
Other House Democrat leaders have also said that they want to impeach the president, investigate his family and everyone closely associated with him, and bring down this administration. Look for vitriol in committee hearings like we saw in December — when Democrats personally attacked Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen in a Judiciary Committee hearing. They were led by soon-to-be Judiciary Chairman Nadler. It was a foretaste of what is to come. Elections have consequences — and in this instance, the negative effects could impact the country for generations.
Rep. Andy Biggs, a Republican, represents Arizona's 5th District in Congress. You can follow him on Twitter: @RepAndyBiggsAZ.