US is woke AF.
Brits are woke.
AUS fags are woke.
French people are woke - some for Q and some for nationalism.
South American is waking up.
Middle east is waking up.
Germany/Swiss are some of the last DS strongholds.
This germananon thinks the following.
Folks are not that good English speakers.
Folks are mostly living a (from what they know comfortable) life where they don't want many changes made.
Folks don't want to see a truth that fears them (trafficing, paris climate scam, wars, and worse…).
The promise of a free and bright future is not accepted largly bc the average German doesn't feel enslaved and - as sad as this may be - the responsibility for folks from other countries with bigger problems today isn't felt strongly by most.
The average German watches fake news every night and is asleep.
(Obviously not all!)
This is my own experience from what I hear and see every day and from the many many attempts on redpilling I made over the past months.
Waking people for the whole topic is very hard.
Waking people for other politics (AfD) is very hard too; in some regions and some social layers at least.
Some of the folks I talked to begin to at least doubt what fake news presents them every day (orange man bad, meeting Putin bad, NK peace bad, wall bad, …).
So redpilling does work. But it works slowly.
Almost everyone struggles getting the full picture and becoming part of the army / the Q movement.
I know this is not espacially needed as POTUS + no such agency + US mil + US patriots is the needed keystone.
And I know the plan is working very well and ahead of schedule.
I know that 'peace through strength' was already acheived and 'option Z' could be avoided.
I thank God for this!
However, for waking up larger parts of Germany and some other countries, imho, it needs a shock moment (maybe coming out of the hacker leaks, maybe arrest of a high society or pilotical big player, maybe 911 truth, …).
Thank you POTUS & family and Q team for all you do!
May God bless you all!