Go to Cali and get a fake ID, "move" to NY, and there you go.
Bankrupt these faggots.
Some anon motivation
Don't feed the shills
Someone needs to make a first term or first two years montage again over "Ode to Joy" or something.
This clip doesn't acknowledge that POTUS said he has multiple mechanisms and legal standing.
@4:20 - Other presidents have used this authority
@6:00 - By the way, there are various mechanisms
All the niggers that say Ron Paul doesn't have the "charisma" are part of the problem. It's a fucking shame we need POTUS' charisma to pull us through this. Faggots need to grow the fuck up and start considering policy first.
You're welcome, it's a good listen if you have a decent speaker and are doing house work or hanging out.
Share it going forward.
Pay it forward, Anon/