I hate when people tell me to have a kid because I look good holding a baby. Bitch I look good doing everything because I. Look. Good. In fact you should see me have an abortion - I am BREATHTAKING. Literally I am taking someone’s breath. It’s beautiful.
Wolf continued, “And I know some people call themselves ‘pro-life,’ but ‘pro-life’ is a propaganda term that isn’t real, like healthy ice cream and handsome testicles. Get the terminology straight; first of all, these people are anti-abortion, which means they are anti-woman. If these people were actually pro-life, they would be fighting hard for health care, child care, education, gun control, and protecting the environment.” She then added this piece of convoluted thinking: “But these anti-abortion people do not care about life; they just care about birth.” Plus this piece of vulgarity, “like they think that’s the only place you can wipe a woman’s s on the table.” She later pontificated, “Abortions are super common and the stigma is bulls.”
Wolf continued, “These days, abortion providers have been terrorized by the Right into downplaying their abortion services. You should be proud of it. You’re doing a good thing.” Wolf concluded the segment with her “10th Annual Salute to Abortions,” accompanied by a marching band, a balloon arch, and with her dressed in a patriotic costume. As “You’re a Grand Old Flag” played, she intoned, “Abortion I salute you. Women if you need an abortion, get one,” then tossed confetti as she asserted, “God bless abortions and God bless America.”