while normies may not have noticed the recent change to the board, I surely did…right now at the top of my page it is showing 4,720 ads blocked. Admin changed board function without so much as a word and tied ads to images so that if you're blocking the ads you also don't see any uploaded images.
Took these yesterday…one with fewer blocked is the catalog, other is with current bread open.
and just while I'm typing this images have been added adblocked updated and now it's blocked 8, 220 "ads"
Funny this happened just after someone started asking who was paying for all this.
REAL ANONS know why ads are blocked…running scripts in the background ads can compromise a computer's security.
WHY did CM / BO ? change the function of the board tying ads to images? Because right now with my adblocker on…NO images are visible unless I click and open them in a different frame.
I posted this on the meta board as well. Will await a logical answer…no one with half a brain would use any chan without a script blocker…so why the change now?