Anonymous ID: 943034 Jan. 10, 2019, 10:59 a.m. No.4696859   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6903


Hep A found in Bauer candy


Bauer was the original name of the immigrant that settled in Switzerland and changed his name to Rothschild.


he History of the House of Rothschild


The Rothschilds have been in control of the world for a very long time, and I produce my evidence for this below in a timeline. The Rothschilds have, with their founding of Zionism, betrayed the principles of the Torah, and have caused great suffering around the world. I name individual Rothschilds where I can, but due to the secrecy which they shroud themselves in, naming the exact Rothschild is not always possible. I also wish to point out that this article is not criticising everyone with the name Rothschilds, simply the criminal element of that group that have carried out the treachery I detail below. Furthermore a great deal of this criminal element no longer carry the name Rothschild and there is a great deal of evidence pointing to the fact that those people currently in control of the United States, British and Israeli government are in fact Rothschilds.


Rothschild Timeline


1743: Mayer Amschel Bauer, born Frankfurt, Germany, the son of Moses Amschel Bauer, a money lender and the proprietor of a counting house. Over the entrance door he places a red sign.

This sign is a six pointed star (which geometrically and numerically translates into the number 666) which under Rothschild instruction will end up on the Israeli flag some two centuries later.

1753: Gutele Schnaper (future wife of Mayer Amschel bauer) born.

1760: During this decade Mayer Amschel Bauer works for a bank owned by the Oppenheimers’ in Hanover, Germany, he is highly successful and becomes a junior partner. Whilst working at the bank he becomes acquainted with General von Estorff.

Following his father’s death, Bauer returns to Frankfurt to take over his father’s business. Bauer recognises the significance of the red sign and changes his name from Bauer to Rothschild, after the red sign signifying 666 hanging over the entrance door (“Rot,” is German for, “Red,” “Schild,” is German for, “Sign”).

Now Mayer Amschel Rothschild, he discovers that General von Estorff is now attached to the court of Prince William of Hanau. He therefore makes the General’s re-acquaintance on the pretext of selling him valuable coins and trinkets at discounted prices.

