it is also a FELONY to be in possession of, post or other wise disseminate any kiddie pics like this.
be careful, be smart anons
it is also a FELONY to be in possession of, post or other wise disseminate any kiddie pics like this.
be careful, be smart anons
repost n' shit
target, troll the fuck out of these people to expedite the red-pilling
truth and facts only
truth sets us free. there is no other way.
deceit does not help reveal the light, its just a brick in the road to another incarnation of the darkness we are fighting.
don't tar yourself with lies
holy shit I sound like my mom right now
107 - can represent and efficient builder. Sounds like POTUS' lifelong mo to me.
Also represents optimism that everything is going to be alright. This fits with the tone of the post.
Angel Number 107 can also indicate that it is time to begin (or expand) a spiritually-based endeavor.
so how many lies then need to be told to expose the truth behind your lies? There isn't anything in your post from the last bread that indicates lying is what Q suggests.
"coming to a theater near you" just means enjoy the show. "it's a movie" is a metaphor of the cabals deception. Conflating the two is dangerous.
imo only of course
"you get it anonโฆ" your snark betrays you. "what an amazing turn of events" who says this? canned bs
fuck off shill