11.9 Think mirror. (Left is Right) (11 and 9 reverses is 9.11)
2.5 Think mirror. (Up is Down) (2 and 5 flipped is 5.2)
2.12 Perfectly lined up? Why? Learn. (Water boils @ 212 degrees)
2.18 Clock Activated @ 9.11 pm EST (Right Is Left) Phase [1] ends
2.19 A "reflective" President's Day answers above questions "Perfectly lined up? Why?" (Down is Up)
2.21 Phase [2] begins
2.12 Mirrored Post:
The Inner Circle.
Mika Brzezinski.
McLean, Virginia.
The age of tech has hurt their ability to hide/control.
Majority today were ‘born in’ to the circle.
Investigate those in front of the camera who scream the loudest.
These people are really stupid.
End is near.
The media cleanse/JFK.