Anonymous ID: 935940 Jan. 10, 2019, 5:58 p.m. No.4702822   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Looking for statsfags/numbersfags…Diggers.


Something occurred to me listening to PDJT.


He said something like 63,000 Americans Citizens have died because of Illegal Aliens.


So, I wanted to compare that to all the wars where Americans have died and the cost.


Problem being I can't verify PDJT stats or come up with sauce to any valid number…this is the area I need help with.


see pic for war casualties. just need a pic for American Citizens killed by Illegal Aliens to compare.


I know there are much smarter Anons in here that could do a much better job in doing the comparisons and making sense of it all.


I'm trying to make a argument for…if wars have killed this many of our Veterans…


Why are we allowing these "Invaders" to kill our Citizens…something like that..I think you get my point…


I'm too old and party too much when I was young…lost a lot of good brain cells.


Thanks to anyone who helps!!!!