Anonymous ID: 3a38c6 Jan. 10, 2019, 8:34 p.m. No.4705031   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5040 >>5045


How many coincidences before mathematically impossible… Think Mirror




















Don't nod.

I did, did I?

My gym

red rum, Sir, is murder

step on no pets

top spot

was it a CAT I saw?

EVA, Can I see bees in a cave?

No lemon, no melon

Anonymous ID: 3a38c6 Jan. 10, 2019, 8:44 p.m. No.4705164   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5176 >>5186 >>5234 >>5279

By studying history it is possible to predict future trends with a certain degree of assurance. History repeats itself because those who direct the W.R.M. do not CHANGE their Long Range Plans — they simply adapt their policies to suit modern conditions and adjust their plans to take full advantage of the advancement of modern science.


In order to understand the international situation as it is to-day, we must recall what has happened since Lenin established the totalitarian dictatorship in Russia in 1918. It has been proved that the dictatorship was established to provide the Western Internationalists with the opportunity to put their totalitarian ideas and theories for a universal dictatorship into effect. They wished to iron out any wrinkles by the process of trial and error.


When Lenin died Stalin took over. At first he was ruthlessly obedient to the dictates of the international bankers. He appointed Béla Kun to put their ideas for the collectivization of farms into effect in the Ukraine. When the farmers refused to obey the edict, five million were systematically starved to death when their grain was taken from them forcibly. This grain was dumped on the markets of the world to aggravate the artificially created depression. Another five million farmers and peasants were sent to forced labour to teach the rest of the subjugated people that the STATE was supreme and the Head of the STATE their God, whose edicts must be obeyed.


It was not until Stalin began to purge a great number of Jewish Communist leaders, who were undoubtedly Marxists, that Trotsky and other revolutionary leaders knew for certain that he had abandoned the Illuminati and developed imperialistic ambitions.


Stalin’s conduct of the revolution in Spain perturbed the Western Internationalists still more, particularly when Serges and Maurin proved Stalin was using international Communism to further his own secret plans and imperialistic ambitions.

Anonymous ID: 3a38c6 Jan. 10, 2019, 8:44 p.m. No.4705176   🗄️.is 🔗kun


After Franco won the Civil War, Stalin’s conduct was very difficult to understand. Revolutionary leaders in Canada and America just couldn’t follow the drastic changes in the Party Line as they had been taught it during their indoctrination into the Marxian theories. When Stalin signed the non-aggression pact with Hitler, after the British and German Empires had been plunged into World War Two, it appeared as if Stalin wanted to do everything within his power to aid Hitler overrun Western Europe and destroy the power of the international bankers.


The situation looked so grave from the international bankers point of view that they decided they had to try to persuade Stalin to abandon his imperialistic ambitions and go along with them in a spirit of peaceful co-existence. They tried to persuade Stalin that it was quite feasible that he should rule the Eastern World by Communism, while they ruled the Western World under a super-government. Stalin asked for proof of their sincerity. This was the beginning of the now much talked about theory of peaceful co-existence. But peaceful co-existence between two internationalistic groups; or between people who believe in God and those who believe in the devil, is impossible.


By secret communications between Churchill and Roosevelt, which Tyler Kent exposed, it was agreed that Chamberlain should be removed as Prime Minister so that Churchill could assume office and turn the ‘Phony’ war into a ‘Hot’, and shooting war. They considered this act would convince Stalin of the sincerity of their intentions.


History reveals that Mr. Chamberlain was ousted as Prime Minister in May 1940 in much the same way Asquith was ousted in 1913. Churchill assumed office as Prime Minister May 11th, 1940. He ordered the R.A.F. to start bombing German cities and towns that same night. Mr. J.M. Spaight, C.B., C.B.E., was principal assistant secretary at the Air Ministry at that time. After the war he wrote a book Bombing Vindicated. In it he justifies Churchill’s policy to bomb German cities and towns on the grounds that it was done to ‘Save civilization’. The author admits however that Churchill’s order was a breach of the agreement entered into by Britain and France on September 2nd, 1939. On that day the Prime Minister of Britain and the President of the French Republic agreed that war must be declared on Germany because of Hitler’s invasion of Poland; they also agreed they would NOT bomb German cities and towns, and make the German people suffer for the sins of one man. The leaders of the two governments solemnly agreed that bombing should be restricted to strictly military objectives in the narrowest sense of the word.

Anonymous ID: 3a38c6 Jan. 10, 2019, 8:45 p.m. No.4705186   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Since the war it has been proved that the real reason Churchill bombed German cities, contrary to the agreement, was because the Western international bankers wished to give Stalin a definite assurance that they were sincere in their desire to carry out their suggested policy of peaceful co-existence between Eastern Communism and Western Illuminism.


The bombing of Germany brought about immediate retaliation and the people of Britain were subjected to an ordeal the like of which had never been experienced since the dawn of creation.


It is difficult for the average citizen to appreciate the depths to which those involved in international intrigue can sink. It will be proved that the Illuminati had no intention of keeping faith with Stalin. It will be proved Stalin had no intention to keep faith with them. It will also be proved that the Nazi War Lords, while secretly determined to crush both international Communism and international capitalism, actually tried to deceive Churchill into believing they did not have secret plans for world domination by military conquest.

Anonymous ID: 3a38c6 Jan. 10, 2019, 8:49 p.m. No.4705234   🗄️.is 🔗kun


In the Spring of 1941 the Nazi War Lords, unknown to Hitler, ordered Hess to fly to Britain and tell Churchill that if he would agree to end the war against Germany they would guarantee to get rid of Hitler and then destroy Stalin and international Communism. After consultation with Roosevelt, Churchill turned down the offer made by Hess.


The Nazi War Lords then tried to convince the Western internationalists of the sincerity of their intentions by ordering Hitler’s assassination. The plot failed and Hitler escaped with his life. When this act failed to charge the minds of those who were secretly instructing Churchill and Roosevelt, the Nazi War Lords decided they must first attack Russia and defeat Stalin, and then turn their military forces against Britain and the Americas. They launched their attack against Russia June 22nd, 1941. Immediately this happened both Churchill and Roosevelt announced publicly that they pledged their respective governments to support Stalin to the limit of their resources. Churchill, ever dramatic, said he would shake hands with the Devil himself if he promised to help him destroy German Fascism. He referred to Hitler as “That monstrous abortion of lies and deceits”, and yet Churchill must have known that Hitler, for all his faults, was not an internationalist.


This action was calculated to remove from Stalin’s mind any doubt, he might still have regarding the honesty of the intentions of the Western internationalists to divide the world into two halves and then live in peaceful co-existence. Roosevelt and Churchill then proceeded to provide Stalin with unlimited aid. They borrowed astronomical sums from the international bankers and paid them interest on the loans. They then charged the principal and interest to the National debts of their two countries so that the tax payers paid for, and fought, the war fomented by the Illuminati while the bankers sat back and made hundreds of millions of dollars out of the deal. This extraordinary generosity with the people’s blood and money paved the way for the meetings which ‘THE BIG THREE’ subsequently held in Tehran, Yalta, and Potsdam.


Stalin played a very cunning game at Tehran. He made it clear that he still suspected the Western internationalists might be deceptive rather than sincere. He played at being difficult to persuade, and very hard to get. He made outrageous demands. He demanded unreasonable concessions. He implied that in making these demands he was only testing out the sincerity of the men he knew only too well, from long experience, were the directors of the international conspiracy. Roosevelt had been well briefed. He gave Stalin everything he asked for. Churchill had to go along or lose the financial backing of the international money-lenders and the military support of the United States.

Anonymous ID: 3a38c6 Jan. 10, 2019, 8:53 p.m. No.4705279   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Then came Yalta. Stalin changed his attitude. He pretended he had been won over. He became the perfect host. Churchill and Roosevelt were dined and wined. Stalin dissolved the Comintern. The Comintern was the executive body which had plotted and planned revolutions in every country. Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill drank damnation to the Germans. Roosevelt assured Stalin that after they were through there wouldn’t be enough German left to worry about, he is reported to have advocated shooting 50,000 German officers without trial. The controlled press has never stopped harping upon the Nazi policy of genocide against the Jews, but it has been singularly silent in regard to Roosevelt’s policy of genocide against the Germans. In return for the dissolution of the Comintern, Roosevelt gave Stalin more concessions. Six hundred million human beings east of Berlin were handed over into Communist bondage.


Churchill acquiesced in everything Roosevelt and Stalin did. History will prove that at the Yalta meeting Stalin and Roosevelt had several secret meetings after Churchill had been dined and wined too well to allow him to keep his wits alert. Roosevelt pretended to be friendly with Churchill but, on the evidence of his own son, he often said things, and suggested policies, which showed, that secretly, he looked upon him with contempt.


Only Churchill can explain WHY he had to sit and listen to Roosevelt’s suggestions that Hong Kong be given to Communist China to bribe Mao-Tse-Tung to play along with the Western internationalists. How could Churchill profess publicly, such a close and sincere friendship for Roosevelt when Roosevelt was constantly repeating that he considered the dissolution of the British Commonwealth necessary to the future welfare of the human race ? Hitler thought just the opposite.


But Stalin was nobody’s fool. He had been associated wilh the agents of the international bankers so long that he could read their most secret thoughts like an open book. He knew better than any man alive that they had used Communism to further their totalitarian ideas, so he played them at their own game. During the final stages of the war he forced the Allied Armies to halt and wait until his armies occupied Berlin.

Anonymous ID: 3a38c6 Jan. 10, 2019, 9 p.m. No.4705374   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Army Recognition has reported that U.S. based logistics contracting company Purple Shovel purchased technical data packages from a state-owned Ukranian defense company for the Ukranian KT-7.62 “Majak” coaxial machine gun for $267,000 in December 2017. The KT-7.62 is a Ukranian manufactured version of the Soviet 7.62x54r mm PKT coaxial machine gun, which itself is a co-axial tank version of the PKM or PK also of Soviet origin. Purple Shovel itself doesn’t have any manufacturing capabilities of its own, instead it specializes in contracting out actual warehouses and manufacturing entities that complete the contracts. This particular PKT interest stems from the SOCOM contract to manufacture Cold War era small arms in the United States. Specifically, this is so the special operations command can better arm and equip the rebel groups it is tasked with training and supporting in the Middle East and North Africa that would already be used to such equipment.

Anonymous ID: 3a38c6 Jan. 10, 2019, 9:19 p.m. No.4705591   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5642


Donald Rumsfeld and the Strange History of Aspartame


Yes, that Donald Rumsfeld, the "knowns and unknowns" guy who remarkably executed some of the worst decisions in American foreign policy and got a medal for it. I have been reading up on this strange chapter in the history of Donald Rumsfeld and have learned two things. One, the chemical additive aspartame is very potentially a cancer and brain tumor-causing substance that has no place in our food. And two, the reasons and means by which Rumsfeld helped get it approved are nefarious at best, criminal at worst. And by the way, that medal that Rumsfeld got back in 2004 was the Presidential Medal of Freedom, also awarded to Tommy Franks, George Tenet and that charming warrior L. Paul Bremer. Evidently, "Freedom" means the right to use your powerful friends in Washington to approve your company's dangerous substance for human consumption and make a fat bonus on the way out the door. So how did aspartame become legal? And more importantly, if it had been rejected multiple times over fears of brain tumors and cancer, why?