Look I want to love Trump, but there are a few problems with his actions and affiliations. However there is only one that matters and it matters now. ATT is rolling out 5G VR-WIFI this year. Understand that all previous cellular services were labeled according to their Radio Frequency location on the Radio Spectrum. I.E. 3G = 3GHZ and 4G = 4GHz. This was done deliberately for the purpose of concealing the fact that 5G = 24GHz - 90GHz. That is the millimeter wave (based on length of waves) section of the spectrum. It is classified as Extremely High Frequency Ionizing Radiation. The compact nature of millimeter waves results in heavy interference from just about everything. This limits the distance a signal can travel as well as being line of sight only. Water molecules in the air for example cause heavy loss in signal strength. The only way to compensate for these issues and still deliver the band width promised with the Internet Of Things, is to have 5G WIFI routers on every telephone pole in the country, in every room of every public building in the country, boosted by every CFL bulb(on the box) and smart meter. If you are saying to yourself "Wait a minute, I'm 70% water!" then you are asking yourself exactly the right question. The next questions are who the hell in DC is pushing this? What are they being paid to put the "cell shredding" in mobile cellular? How clever is the timing in terms of distractions. Q nor Trump have in any way mentioned these dangers. I say now, the whole Q phenomenon is just another distraction, like they have done so many times before, so they can pull off the most lethal thing ever done to this planet. EVERY living thing is harmed by Ionizing Radiation. As the densely packed waves bounce off cells in your body they cause minor damage, as your body repairs this damage, occasionally the process results in cancer. We are exposed every day to harmful radiation from both natural and man made sources. Unless you live under a cell tower or high power lines, that radiation amounts to a misting in most cases, in order for 5G to work, it will be akin to jumping in the ocean. The reason they put lead vest on when you get an X-ray is EXACTLY the reason they refused to do any safety testing on 5G. They didn't need to, they know 24GHz - 90GHz will kill you, especially at the levels required. They just needed you to look the other way while they deployed it. If we wait until the Internet of things is online it will be too late. Q's pyramid was setup up to fall exactly how its falling. Trumps faction was given the goods on the old guard in order to get them out of the way. Then set up everyone to accept the new 5G internet of things. The level of evil/corruption in the old guard was necessary. The public has to react so emotionally/viscerally that they will embrace the incorruptible, block-chain secured, D-wave driven, Palantir fed AI overlord as new supreme being/god/ruler. The lemmings never look up from their phone now except to get the next one. You know the sheeple will embrace the wonders of the system, I believe Trump is unaware he's being used by the same people who put the old guard in place, he really is saving the world, just not from everything it needs to be saved from.