Coordfag: In something like this, knowing which anon you're talking to is invaluable. suggest namefagging greenlight in this thread?
not trying to dox btwโฆ feel free to veto.
Maybe only for specific needs. none that UID won't cover atm.
Task: Establish Emergency Rally Point in case SHTF
In Case of Fire, Retreat to unexpected location and regroup.
Suggest: Nothing more random than 4ch/b, or /pol if preferred. Use Matlock for added clout. or perhaps develop a specific war room trip for use if 8ch ddos or shillageddon?
suggest #qwarroom for uniqueness. but yes, seconded. maybe use that as a group trip verif as well?
triptest. #qwarroom
Oops disabled i guess. makes sense with recent fuckery.
comes out to !6P81ZDrRz2
No, no. Go for it anon. I meant collectively that someone was seeing to it. i.e.: you. lol.
okay lads, if memory serves, other suggested tasks were to compile a list of hashtags for use in the campaign.
It sounds like the advance corps in the main bread are already doing a 'soft opening' salvo which could be beneficial (marketinganon confirm?)
There was talk about finding some bots of our own for countersniping. any of teh haxors got the goods?
other suggestions?
I've samefagged too much for my liking. gonna lurk moar for a while.
there was a strawpoll on previous main bread for hashtags.
yeah. Hit em with every time they've been proven fake. this last book thing with gorrila channel and what not would be great.
reposting this here to retain idea about getting the trend started and refreshing it in waves.
Suggest dedicated op thread with trusted baker. To consolidate applicable memes from other areas and coordinate drop times.
As previously posted by an Anon
Suggest a very early morning push - 3-4am
Morning 6-7
Late am 10-11
Afternoon 2-3
Eve 5-6
These times allow enough time for trending before key news times
I would suggest we have alternative similar hashtags for when each is suppressed. Can be as different as:
I love it when a plan comes together.
Alright lads, is there any discussion to be had on branching the big party out to other platforms?
FB? IG? whatever else is fire nowadays?
any DCfags ready/willing/able to turn out IRL?
I would also not put it past them to "pull" twitter like they "Pulled" WTC 7.
Does anyone have a contingency to continue ops should twatter actually 404 itself to stop the storm?
I think #GreatAwakening and #WeThePeople are the top votes from strawpoll. We're saving #FakeNewsAwards for later in the day. there are several other suggestions on this thread and if we are getting throttled, we can switch at a moment's notice.
Every Operator should monitor WarRoom for such battle orders.
sure, I'll just skim up for themโฆ We got:
from the strawpoll
still accepting suggestions
Reply to this post for ease of harvesting i suppose.
You seem knowledgeable on the Pulse of the Twitter Coding. We probably need someone to keep any eye on any fuckery such as throttling during the op. Give us updates, Plz?
Keep up with #GreatAwakening and #WeThePeople graphs are still going upwards.
don't know about you, but mine is a new accountโฆ i imagine if there is any activity its fineโฆ. though i won't swear to it.
I dunno. Statweestics has us in the top 20โฆ
sorryโฆ make that 20's
How bout for phone numbers? I'm already played out on google voice.
I did initially, but then they flagged it as possible spam so i have to do a captcha and a phone verificationโฆ
Go for itโฆ the wisdom i can add is to make sure there is a good space between tweets. vary the text that goes with it, and make sure you say something in any retweets or you will get shadowbanned. like i did
do you guys think we should set a time to really start hammering #FakeNewsAwards in case our triggers for phase II aren't met?
We don't have a time on it yet, but POTUS will return to WH right around 4:00 Est.
One could reasonably think that the awards might happen around 5.
We should give ourselves a couple hours to really get the info out there.
What do you think about starting to hit FakeNews Hard around 3 EST?
Personally I've started doing all 3, but I wouldn't do any more than 3.
You could probably just go ahead and bake a new one. we can just unpin and put a period at the end of this one, as OP 1 is over and we're well into OP 2.