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I'm sorry your flouride ridden brain feels this way. What happened , get kicked off a page, argue with someone and no one took your side? Of course you have never experienced a verification. Nor had witnessed any facts…it's because you look for neither. Negativity repulses Positivite. I'm so tired I shouldn't be trying to do this right now, but I have dealt with assholes like you all day on my Q page, and other pages as well. The negative ninnie, bitching, whining, fit throwing fucktard that I want so bad to scream at, slug your face maybe worse than that. I have been up for 34 hours working my ass off, digging for info, news and posting on the page for my mods and patriots to share and use as red pill fodder. Cuz im taking a few days break in a few days. Checking for Q post, Potus Tweets world news, latest tech, anything in the world that may pertain to us lowly "brainwashed" parlor game participants as you put it. to help us share info. Understand the info we get from others. To help wake the world. I'm too tired to get you proof fucker.I'm drained. I cant remember a specific one of Q or Potus, well other than the double RR's in forest in a potus tweet. I was here in the very first days, not knowing what the fuck I was doing, just conversing with folks, sharing Ideas. trying to be smart and quick, be an asset. be funny. I was up for the challenge. In my soul, I knew exactly what it was we were doing here. We were being the authors and guiders of the greatest story of history of our lives. We were saving our country in this true WAR of Good vs Evil, Light to dark. We are soldiers. Our battle field is convenient and safe and at home, not just on the home front. We delete not kill. We mute not mame. We meme not beat the ever living shit out of smart assholes who Play this war like a game. We have religious fanatics wanting to save souls or become victimized or bigot if you wont help hold their cross. We have punks wanting to talk about invasion of brain snatchers and paper plate UFO's. We got it all. Autist,autistic, genius, and retarded, educated, stoned, perverts and priests.12 year olds and 90year olds. lesbians and amputees. veterans and military. Doctors and perhaps murderers. We have cancer survivors and cancer patients. We have All walks of life and even the walking dead in this revolution. My guess we have close to 6 million, counting all the countries. And you asshole…are missing the best thing other than a toothless blow job, of your life. Even if all we are doing is taking away the power of the propaganda pigs, and keeping busy while those we elected are working on OUR agenda. it's OK. we are joined together in one cause. that is the miracle. ONE CAUSE, if we succeed with just half the world..we have won. We have broken open a new age, a new era. Like telling kids about bad touching, we are telling humans about bad leadership. We are taking it into our own hands and making it as right as we can. NO MORE BULLSHIT, representatives shall now represent what we demand. follow our wishes and our constitution. It is the best form of Gov in the entire world. We are the best country in the world. And we are taking it back. And making it great again. making it greater. We are taking out the criminals, the wicked, the perverse, the thieves that steel our taxes to employ their family and friends and live in luxury like kings while they dictate to Us their laws, not ours. No more. We are going to take care of our own, protect our own. No more sheep here. So, we are already winning. and we shall succeed. and the rest of the world will follow. those that wont and want to harm us, had better stay on their piece of the world and leave us alone, for we are and shall be the most powerful. hopefully someday, there will be no hungry, poor or unloved, maybe even no borders.oh its possible its all about us and America and the future, getting strong and fixing the broken. And after that, we fix the world. So kiss my tired skinny ass stranger…go find a world that will let you sleep on the couch. And thank you for allowing me to take my frustration out of you. goodnight! WWG1WGA…and yup, if you behave, you can come along