It could be the keystone shape on the clock. It seems 3/6/9 triangle could also line up. Clockfags were just looking at Tesla math.
Hoosiers! Is this Pence's purpose?
We. Need. More. Math. Fags.
You aren't the real Freddy. Your graphics are subpar and provide no keks. FAIL.
Just told my never trumper grandma this. Feels don't matter, they don't last. Who are you, when no one's looking?
You are fake and gay. Jump ship brother, before we toss you overboard.
I'm more upset that he is faking Freddy. Set Freddy free!!!!!
If he's a time traveler, I want in. That's my dream job.
Learn Russian?
I can answer that: NO.
Sadness. This "Freddy" is like a bullshit sad human. The real Freddy is like a drunken bot fren.
They just want to believe. Avoiding the earth shatter. How many times can your personal views be shattered? Consequences? Tatters?!
Eat shit fuckface.
Bottomless pit? It's a lunar eclipse that makes it a blood moon, yes? Seal of god in your forehead? Why have I never noticed that before? Third eye? Do certain folks lack a third eye?