not as "cozy" as usual….great job!
Medical Definition of Code blue: An emergency situation announced in a hospital or institution in which a patient is in cardiopulmonary arrest, requiring a team of providers (sometimes called a 'code team') to rush to the specific location and begin immediate resuscitative efforts.
May not be the "right" Blue, but it certainly could be, since we're talking about Ginsberg.
Good one. We'll end up with quite a list to work with. Why would "red" be before "green," do you think??
Why are you here? What do you ask cynical questions instead of digging?
If CODE BLUE is significant, it would have to do with RGB's mortal condition (either dead or dying). Think about the impact her death could have on SC rulings–say, about POTUS' legal right to build a wall? A law fag would know more, but I can see there might be direct connection.
Well, anon, I support Q but am fiercely independent. If this thing looked really fishy, I'd leave. But that's what I was asking you. If your intution says "go," why stay? Are you trying to decide? I hope you're not trying to save us from ourselves!
Interdasting. Utah–home to Huber's investigation, too. And what about "watching the water"??
Be of good cheer, anon, very late here, time to go. Blessings.