Anonymous ID: be8726 Jan. 11, 2019, 6:49 a.m. No.4710273   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4707306 (pb)




>From 1961 to 1963, Ginsburg was a research associate and then an associate director of the Columbia Law School Project on International Procedure; she learned Swedish to co-author a book with Anders Bruzelius on civil procedure in Sweden.[23][24] Ginsburg conducted extensive research for her book at Lund University in Sweden.[25] Ginsburg's time in Sweden also influenced her thinking on gender equality. She was inspired when she observed the changes in Sweden, where women were 20 to 25 percent of all law students; one of the judges whom Ginsburg watched for her research was eight months pregnant and still working.[8]


>Rather than asking the court to end all gender discrimination at once, Ginsburg charted a strategic course, taking aim at specific discriminatory statutes and building on each successive victory. She chose plaintiffs carefully, at times picking male plaintiffs to demonstrate that gender discrimination was harmful to both men and women.[28][20] The laws Ginsburg targeted included those that on the surface appeared beneficial to women, but in fact reinforced the notion that women needed to be dependent on men.[20]


Her strategic advocacy extended to word choice, favoring the use of "gender" instead of "sex", after her secretary suggested the word "sex" would serve as a distraction to judges.[28] She attained a reputation as a skilled oral advocate and her work led directly to the end of gender discrimination in many areas of the law.[31]


tl;dr she was selected by the tranny-pushing cult.