Anonymous Prayer Warrior ID: c2f9fa Jan. 11, 2019, 5:55 a.m. No.4709779   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9880

>>4709487 You foolish being of flesh, the World has already been "saved". Have you not read the Word/Book…. All this was known before time and has been planned for in the eternities. This is just a speck of "time" for those within the realm of physical being. Look beyond the weak physical to Beings of supernatural ability and reasoning. Mortal life is to give experience to His family. Here we choose our eternity, the choice of glory with HIM or misery with a shown loser. Nothing is hidden and even your book of life will be read by you. You are writing you book, you have no one to blame for your choices, for HE gave you your free agency to choose… life…. or not. GOD wins, and HE wins for HIS family who are faithful, those who choose HIM and HIS way of life.