Anonymous ID: 879ff3 Jan. 11, 2019, 6:54 a.m. No.4710319   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4710044 (lb)

You are right. Normieville has no memory at all of any of the numerous scandalous things the clintons (or the cabal) have done. Were I to bring up TravelGate, where hillary tried to unceremoniously fire the entire WH travel office, to give their jobs to their friends, and fought to destroy (and falsely imprison the guy that fought against them), they would have NO clue what I’m talking about. This is one of the VERY FIRST public acts the clintons did after taking office and it perfectly illustrates how ruthless and lawless they are…yet it’s unknown.


Vince Foster. Ron Brown. The other dozens of people. Crickets. Muh first woman president. Muh orange man bad.


It gets old.


That said, at least there are those, like you, who know what’s really happened and it’s my hope that number is growing, however slowly.


For hillary to turn her $1,000 into $100,000.00 overnight, in a transaction even the most skilled say they don't understand, means there were people on the losing end, who got shaffted. She was litterly given stolen money.


But muh Trump filed bankruptcy and didn't pay his bills…..muh muh muh. Awful.

Anonymous ID: 879ff3 Jan. 11, 2019, 7:16 a.m. No.4710516   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0545 >>0585 >>0753

Interesting…this new wave of anti-Amy Barret shilling. Almost a clean substitute for the mindless repetitive moo jooing.


Another thing that stands out is this wasn't happening when her name was floated before Kavanaugh's nomination.


Almost feels like shillblue mediamouthpieces have invaded the board. Other than the occasional gutter-crawler still obsessed with muh brown skin, it just feels off. Almost by design. The next wave will focus on her Catholicism. That’s the primary avenue to try to torpedo her nomination, though I admit, this haiti angle caught me off guard.


Guess it's prelude to the wrap-up-smear. Dirty the waters before she even has a fair chance at being nominated. How cute.


Fake shills here pretending to support the President, but won't support his choice for her if he selects her? brock, you're not welcome here…go play with buttplugs with your butty ed brock.

Anonymous ID: 879ff3 Jan. 11, 2019, 7:24 a.m. No.4710598   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Nice post anon. That would, indeed, be a glorious site to behold. Let blue-pilled America see what's really going on with their so called 'leaders' - who fight for each and every unAmerican thing they can.