You speak truth, Anon. I run an electrical apprenticeship program, and while a green apprentice won’t make a whole lot, their wages increase twice a year and when they finish they have zero debt for their education. It’s not just the kids’ fault that they shy away from trades, though. Parents, teachers, and high school counselors need to do their part to remove the stigma of blue collar work, and quit pushing them to earn a degree that may or may not land them a good job, but will almost certainly start them off in life with heavy debt. People in the trades make a damn good living and will always be in demand.
Does Feinstein wear glasses? That person looks to be wearing glasses to me.
>Can't find enough people to stick around and do shit work for a while to earn the bigger bucks
So true. Unless they’ve been raised with the right ethics, they’re fuckin’ allergic to hard work. I like to hit up the small town high schools recruiting for apprentices. Give me a kid raised on a farm any day over someone from the city.
During Strzok’s testimony, he said he didn’t remember that IG briefing. I think it was while being questioned by Louis Gohmert. Sounds like it was purposely ignored.
We can’t say it wasn’t allocated until we’ve looked at every allocation since the $50b was approved.