Anonymous ID: c6fb9b Jan. 11, 2019, 6:58 a.m. No.4710354   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Kek, MemeFag, kek! I needed a laugh and you delivered. To hell with RBG. Keep an eye on the ABOVE THE LAW crowd (website and Twatter) because one of their columnists – a nomlawyer named Staci Zaretsky, who flunked the Bar and gave up trying – has been 5 feet up RBG's ass ever since inviting RBG to her wedding and getting a note of declination from RBG……

Anonymous ID: c6fb9b Jan. 11, 2019, 7:15 a.m. No.4710508   🗄️.is 🔗kun



This is awesome, Anon. Yesterday Lionel cracked me up by saying that by the time President Trump is through – in his first term – he will have appointed 4 new justices, leaving Sotomayor and Kagen to be the Laverne and Shirley if the Supreme Court.

Anonymous ID: c6fb9b Jan. 11, 2019, 7:59 a.m. No.4711015   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1036


This reminds me of the dumbass libtards attempts to strip the name of Jeffrey Amherst from things, recently.


Yet nobody is changing the name of the Town of Amherst or Amherst College.


These people are stupid.


Sauce -

AMHERST – Two years after dropping Lord Jeffery Amherst as its unofficial mascot, Amherst College is changing the name of the Lord Jeffery Inn.


The college-owned downtown hotel will become the Inn on Boltwood at the start of 2019. The college's board voted to remove Lord Jeffery's name from the inn and from official communications as well.


The new name highlights the century-old inn's location on Boltwood Avenue, according to a press release.


The choice also follows the college's efforts to manage the controversy over its namesake's role in warfare against Native Americans.


Amherst was a British general who, according to historical documents, advocated for distributing blankets infected with smallpox in an effort to wipe out the Native American population.


"The name is changing, but its beauty and impeccable level of service will remain the same," Kevin Weinman, chief financial and administrative officer of Amherst College and President of the Amherst Inn Company, said in a press release.


The property underwent a major renovation in 2012.


"This Inn has played an important role in the community over the years and will continue to do so," Weinman said.


Students pushed the school to drop "Lord Jeff" as its unofficial mascot, which had been in use since 1920. In November of 2015, 83 percent of 1,600 students said they were against using the name as a representative of the school. A poll of alumni found a majority were against it.


"Amherst College finds itself in a position where a mascot – which, when you think about it, has only one real job, which is to unify – is driving people apart because of what it symbolizes to many in our community," the board wrote in a statement in 2016 after announcing its decision.


The school voted on adopting the mammoth as its official mascot last year.