Anonymous ID: 6d8ffb Jan. 11, 2019, 8:56 a.m. No.4711697   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1765



Funny that you talk about research yet you defend retraded muhjew shilling.

Do you consider this garbage "research":





I dont defent israel or any other country. I defend people and i did my share of research. I can post something that went notable 2 days ago.


Funny how you defend the retarded muhjew shilling. Ever wondered why they push this crap here?


  1. They get the fake msm to portray us as nazis for optics.


  1. They chase away normies.


  1. They use the time tested and contained narative of "the jew", since they want us to dig shallow holes. They dont want us to find the real complicated truth. They want us to get stuck on the easy and usefull to them, narative.


  1. THE JEWS ARE A DECOY to hide the real enemy, the old guard ruling families by putting the blame on the jews, all the jews, always the jews. This push is to distract us from focusing on the occult cabal. Worshiping minerva and y heads isnt a very jewish thing.


They want to divide us with more sheep vs sheep tactics. A time tested method.




Q said it isnt about color, race or religion for a reason. It is global sheep vs global rulers. Thry couldnt care less if the sheep is jewish ir not.

Anonymous ID: 6d8ffb Jan. 11, 2019, 9:03 a.m. No.4711775   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1795



It is a fake and gay "map" that was spammed ad infinitum by the propaganda spambot.


Q was clear about the power triangle:


In the past:


Roths - banks

Sauds - oil tech and US/british puppets

Rockefeller - authority over followers




After soros got to power:


Same structure as before woth soros replacing rocks.


After trumps election - rocks were sacked (family Y), and soros replaced them completey.




After the MBS revolution:


Roths- banks

Soros - sheep control.




Payseur is probably the eye of providence.