Anonymous ID: 010a66 Jan. 11, 2019, 10:19 a.m. No.4712680   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2730 >>2748

>>4712593 pb

Why do anons on this board love and protect Mueller?

Could it be you all are so brainwashed by the MSM since childhood that you can't imagine such a "hero" of the liars could really be digging his own grave.

Or : he's doing it to avoid what: the tortue and murder he doled out to others.

Y'all don't get it,

Dude covered for pedo crimes and for 9/11

He and RR are BOTh dirty as they come.

FBI has been the USA dirty secret police "Stazi" since they were pushed through by Executive Order over 100 years ago.

Maybe they can and will be dissolved by another Executive Order.

Will any true Patriot will feel clean until that is done?

>>4712559 pb

It's not him. Ur either blind or a shll

Probably both.