Despite the tremendous bloodlettings of the people of Shem during the twentieth century, in 1983,
Robert Lacey, in his book, "The Aristocrats," noted that the nations which he called "white" but
which are predominantly Shemite nations, continued to lead the world in per capita income. He lists
(1) the Arab Emirates; (2) Kuwait; (3) Lichtenstein; (4) Switzerland; (5) Monaco; (6) Luxembourg;
(7) Denmark; (8) Germany; (9) Sweden; (10) Jersey; (11) Belgium; (12) Quatar; (13) United States.
We note that no Asian or African country made the list; also, that the United States, probably the
most thoroughly dominated country in the world, groaning under the heel of the Canaanite
parasites, occupies the Masonic number of thirteen on the list. The United States also ranks well
down the list in such primary concerns as infant mortality, quality of medical care, education, and
other important indicators. The principal cause of the United States' precipitous drop in world
rankings is the continuous looting and raping of the nation by the Masonic Canaanite conspirators.
For instance, of a defense budget of $248 billion in our peacetime economy, some $140 billion is
paid directly to the NATO nations of Europe, our "allies" in the struggle against world Communism.
The United States dispenses some additional $200 billion annual1y in "aid" to other countries such
as the State of Israel, of which some $50 billion is channeled to the Soviet Union and her satellites
through food subsidies and monetary manipulations. The Soviet central bank, Gosplan, routinely
sends officials to Switzerland to meet with the representatives of the Federal Reserve System at the
Bank for International Settlements, where they plan new raids on the Treasury of the United States.
A network of European banks regularly transfers funds to the Soviet Union which are routed to
them from a number of United States government agencies.