Anonymous ID: ffcc53 Jan. 11, 2019, 12:46 p.m. No.4714597   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4820



Recently, there has been talk of a magnetic pole reversal that could have serious consequences for life on Earth. While some warn that a pole shift could be devastating, others say those fears are overstated and melodramatic. Is the situation really as dire as they make it sound?


When is the Pole Shift Supposed to Happen?


No one knows when the pole shift will transpire, but we know complete magnetic reversals have happened every 200,000 to 300,000 years over the past 20 million years. But that regularity hasn’t continued, as the last known reversal occurred roughly 780,000 years ago. There was an attempted pole shift about 40,000 years ago, though it was unsuccessful.


Throughout Earth’s history the poles have reversed hundreds of times and according to some, this gives us reprieve as there’s no evidence a magnetic pole reversal led to any noticeable devastation or mass extinction on the planet. But as far as we know, there weren’t complex networks of satellites and electronics during those ancient pole flips.