Anonymous ID: c0e0be Jan. 11, 2019, 2:06 p.m. No.4715539   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5572

Daily mail had another story about that sicko Ed Buck, and some new pics( as if his toolbox of buttplugs the other day,was not enough, kek)

This guy is NASTY, like Hillary,


EXCLUSIVE: Hillary donor is pictured with skeletal homeless young black drug addict he called 'n****r', ordered to wear white long johns and injected with meth for $300 - as cops probe TWO deaths at his home


Edward Buck, a Hillary Clinton donor, is being investigating by the LA County Sheriff's Department over the deaths of Gemmel Moore and Timothy Dean, who both overdosed at his apartment within an 18-month period

An image obtained by shows Buck smoking meth with a thin, drug-addicted homeless black man in his apartment - a partner he found on the street and offered $300 to carry out his 'fetish' requests

It shows the 63-year-old wearing tighty-whities and sitting beside the man he paid while they both watch porn on a television screen in the living room of the wealthy donor's West Hollywood apartment

The picture was taken in 2017 at the end of three years of encounters between Buck and the 30-year-old in which the older man would call him 'my n*r buddy', 'my straight n*r buddy', 'and 'black boy'

The man, who has since died of an unrelated illness after his encounters with Buck, left a detailed account of what happened between them in a series of encounters which he said turned him into a meth addict heard the recording in which Buck engaged in degrading sex practices, including watching the man defecate and once choked him when he refused to get out on Buck's orders

Buck had an area he called 'the gates of hell' near the doorway to his apartment where he would photograph the men he paid for sex, and trawled Los Angeles' Skid Row to pick up black men calling one 'my crack baby'