Anonymous ID: fbde4e Jan. 11, 2019, 2:57 p.m. No.4716217   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Biohack increase food plant productivity by 40 %


If this seems like a good idea, increasing photosynthetic efficiency with a bio hack, it ain't. It will be widely adopted for economic reasons and create dependency upon bioproduct which may be subject to unknown failure modes as a result of the genehack. You may purchase increased productivity at a price of increased fragility, susceptibility to disease and congenital defect.


If POTUS didn't have so many concurrent national emergencies, he could asked Jim Acosta about it. /jk–rxlIBzKnn5FJktv1tkyVXbN28cTqk0n-E8n_UqaYGSMoRCtX9yYAz_aeNFOkQeggsNZ5OciiXKkz5OQC1khNnxN6HHA&_hsmi=68937699