The shape of things to come if liberals get their way. Cabal wants everyone to either be a drug addict or addicted to maintenance medication so they are easier to manipulate.
A fake robbery, the items shown in the video were likely props, I bet the man has a divorce case coming up or owes IRS a ton of money…which he no longer has. It may be common in the Hamptons to carry cash and valuable but they also use armored trucks to move 42 million.
Many get paid monthly.
Elms, Moose, K of C, Rotary, Masons all part of the same bigger club.
Nuking Japanese citizens was good, bombing British citizens was good, "allegedly" cooking jewish citizens is a crime the world can not be allowed to forget.
kek, read your incoming replies, you are responding to another globe earther posting fake information and then you are using it to try to discredit flat earthers…lol. Are you two jooish???