Anonymous ID: 4b0f7e Jan. 11, 2019, 11:11 p.m. No.4722017   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2025

>>4721896 lb

The owl goes back to the symbol of Athena and Minerva. Going farther back than that gets a little shaky, but you can go all the way back to Lilith is about the oldest I've found.

Problem is that this seems to be something different from the proverbial cabal, and the symbols actually point away from much of the behavior of the cabal (or speak against it).


I think it is more nuanced than "owl symbol bad." There's much more going on here.


None of this is helped by modern cultural understandings, either. You literally can't have a discussion about masonic lucifer without having every retard opining on the anti-god. It's hard to explore what is out there when so many are fixated on advancing an agenda.

Anonymous ID: 4b0f7e Jan. 11, 2019, 11:24 p.m. No.4722102   🗄️.is 🔗kun


God bless autists…

If it's as simple as typing in a search engine, they won't do it.

If it's counting the number of sides to a circle and using the square root to match to the orbit of polaris on the night of Feb 32nd… They'll do that ten times over, just to have something to do because they like square roots and polaris.



It's a bold move, but more media flare than anything.

No one actually knows how to do anything useful with a quantum computer. Theories abound on how one might actually program one to do useful things - but it doesn't give outputs or process the way we typically think of problem solving. It works in reverse. Hand it a decrypted message and the lock, and it can break the encryption (assuming you have enough qbits). It can get you from point A to point B terrifyingly quickly, but you need to first have point A and B…


Which is why IBM is basically asking companies to help them figure out how the fuck to make it useful. Read between the lines and it's basically "so… It's quantum… It's a computer, but we have absolutely no clue what it can do that would be marketable, pay for the privilege to see if you can figure out why you'd want one."

Anonymous ID: 4b0f7e Jan. 11, 2019, 11:56 p.m. No.4722286   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2310 >>2326 >>2344 >>2395


Anon, there is no right to life in the Constitution.

You are thinking of the Declaration of Independence, which has no legal binding.


Not to say I support RoevWade - but I will also say that you can't establish life as a right, legally. The Constitution works on the basis if denying the government authority to regulate or intervene in relation to certain things.

The problem with declaring abortion illegal, however, gets into the nasties of law enforcement. Where there is a demand for a service, there will be providers of it. To enforce the law, there must be investigations.

The ugly part is when women who have a miscarriage are investigated for seeking abortions and when doctors are placed on trial for allegedly conducting them.


I think the issue of abortion will largely go away when we fix the relationship between men and women. Women who are healthy and who feel secure in their partnership with a man do not look to kill their children. The debate/argument over abortion is a red herring to distract from the real issue - which is why it is these women are horrified to bring children into the world.


It's an easy distraction to project division onto. "He's against abortion because he wants to use pregnancy as a way to control you." It completely distracts from the fact that pregnancy is a rather frightening thing for many women, particularly those from broken homes and who have been fed full of school house propaganda. It's understandable that they would fear pregnancy and see abortions as a sort of defense against that fear - making it easy to distort the argument over it into one of control/rights.


Then you have the psy-ops who go out there and parade around the "I had fifteen abortions and plan to get another twenty before they are outlawed." These people are designed to inflame the argument and keep the real discussion between men and women from occurring.


We've gotten wrapped up in the politics and the agenda, when it's really a much simpler question… "Why are you so scared to have children?" Fix the problems uncovered with that question - and the abortion issue largely goes away, though laws will be needed on how human tissues are treated and categorized, legally.

UCLA, for example, has many patents out on genetic sequences found within human DNA, and it's very likely we will see cases of companies claiming to have your DNA patented. God only knows what is being done with the embryonic stem cell lines from abortions….

Anonymous ID: 4b0f7e Jan. 12, 2019, 12:14 a.m. No.4722427   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2440


Six of one, half dozen of the other.


Some light is shined to reveal what is hidden. Some light is shined to cast a shadow over something specific. Satanists are a group created for the purpose of agitating those who follow christianity. Christianity, itself, largely being a distortion of judaic traditions evolving out of worship of a single god within the med region.


Within this belief, there is a god and an anti-god. All good things are attributed to god and all bad things to the anti-god. If not god then anti-god. Simple NPC directive and programming to install in the masses, and effective. Powerful self-defense routine that effectively serves as MAD should anyone actually expose the Church as the continuation of the Pharisee and Roman emperor (the antichrist in Revelations).


This will be the interesting thing to see pulled off. The Church must be reformed in order to heal the division that has occurred, as they will not take anything seriously without the church's crimes and true nature outed. Of course, doing that provokes the autonomic response from Christian populations, who will be up in arms when you drop on them that they effectively are being led by idol worshippers who take themselves as gods fit to rule humans and that they are well into the end times and actually near the return of the Tree of Life.


So, it will be intriguing to see how this part is handled. Despite the additional flexibility of many anons relative to background normies, most have not been through existential discovery processes that allow them to slay gods without fear. As such, many will have difficulty navigating that particular evolution.