Anonymous ID: 4f80cb Jan. 12, 2019, 2:50 a.m. No.4723245   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Man this information on Gabbard hits me hard. I have absolutely no way to prove anything I am about to type so take it as you will but since this is nightshift and we often delve into these types of subjects, what the hell.


So in the past nightshift and I have discussed various lucid dreams and so on. The last time this came up I brought up the lucid dream of walking into a Target during the night on the phone and the sky turned completely light blue and pulsed (for those who are often on nightshift if you recall that conversation).


Anyhow, there is one lucid dream from 2009 which I have never been able to piece together but I have to say this Gabbard shit makes me feel like it just was pieced together. I will first quote my exact entry:


March 11, 2009: I saw myself as a young kid again and back in Hawaii listening to the old song the islanders would sing about Kamehameha. It felt like a dream within a dream as it appeared I was in a different time as they were worshiping him but I could understand their words. Finally he spoke and said that "the cult of Sai Baba hides among my islands. One was created from what once was and he brings the plague of rushing fire. The second brings the plague of deception and she is the daughter of daughters who killed us. The final is the Anti Christ and he will carry with him the cult of Sai Baba."


Anyhow I could get into more about some of these prophecies but I was just amazed reading that report as it really fits in my mind. The Sai Baba cult, Hawaii, Gabbard, their connection to the middle east and so on.

Anonymous ID: 4f80cb Jan. 12, 2019, 2:54 a.m. No.4723265   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3282


Is it true there is a guy from wine valley that completely kicked out the corrupt old GOP base and has created a new Republican party that takes after Trump's goals? I read that on FB several months back but don't remember the name, some Air force vet.


Do you think a Republican even has a chance to win a race in your area at this point or is the area too far gone?

Anonymous ID: 4f80cb Jan. 12, 2019, 3:04 a.m. No.4723301   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I can't remember his name as it was several months back when I was looking at the fires in napa. Some Air Force veteran is all I remember but he had some videos out there and he came off sharp. That town can't be very big and it probably doesn't have a very big GOP so maybe you can find out through that way. I just checked my history and it doesn't go back to when I was looking into the fires from there so can't help with a name.


That would be cool if it does turn. From the outside it looks really in bad shape.

Anonymous ID: 4f80cb Jan. 12, 2019, 3:06 a.m. No.4723306   🗄️.is 🔗kun


She hasn't talked about GITMO in years and then all of a sudden brings it up? Sounds like something just happened and she is laying the ground work to try to protect herself. Very random tweet.