Anonymous ID: aba081 Jan. 12, 2019, 1:48 a.m. No.4722972   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4722799 (lb)


The fucking irony, anon. I was raised Catholic, but got away from it even before all of the pedo revelations. Feel free to call me a Boomer, because I don't give a fuck! I was there, when JFK was alive, and there was a feeling of hope and electricity in the air that no one besides Reagan has even come close to, until GEOTUS. I was nine tears old when JFK was assassinated, and I’ve watched the Country and World spiral downwards since!


Still, I don't consider him among the greatest Presidents, because he wasn't in office long enough to have accomplished enough. Yet, he kept us out of a nuclear war with the Soviet Union, and on more than one occasion that was not easy. Generals on both sides wanted to use their toys.


Common sense dictates that we can many times tell more about a man by who his enemies are. Interesting that many of the same people, or ones from the same darkness, that were JFK haters and murderers, are those who hate GEOTUS. What does THAT tell you?


You're certainly free to keep talking out of your ass, but on this subject that's all that you are doing. I'll just ignore anymore of your rantings.