Question: POTUS asked for 25B last January for all around border security, but is now asking for 5.7B for wall. The difference of 14.3B, anyone have a breakdown of dollar amounts for specific uses? Such as how much is going to the northern border.
"$25 billion trust fund for the border wall system, ports of entry/exit, and northern border improvements and enhancements."
Makes me wonder how much is going to be spent on the northern border as well. Canada has become a "Mecca" pun intended for radical Islam. Is there plans for a northern wall?
So much is written about POTUS not making Mexico pay for the wall. But off all of the promises he's made and kept, this one is likely the most defining of his campaign. Such a capable man sitting in the most powerful seat in the world, I don't doubt that it happens. Just how it happens. So there's this:
"Even as he suggested he would make such a drastic move, he played down its potential impact, adding that he would have no problem reverting to a “pre-Nafta” environment. Such a scenario “works very well” for the United States, he said."
Can't help but think he pulls out of NAFTA and renogotiates trade with Mexico (one stipulation being the wall) and Canadian (does untrustworthy faggot Trudeau get a similar stipulation?).