Anonymous ID: a8963e Jan. 12, 2019, 11:12 a.m. No.4727322   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>When facts arent on your side

You've presented no facts. You claim things, but provide no evidence. You post that shit on a board that is philosophically opposed to your point of view. Do you expect us to do your work for you? Post the evidence that you claim exists and we'll debate it. If all you're going to do do is write "Everyone IRL KNOWS Trump is a criminal…" expect to get shat on. If we wanted to hear or read that we could turn on MSNPC, or boost CNN's ratings by several percentage points and tune that in (I'll explain and type slowly for you. CNN's has like 100's of viewers, so if several anons tune into it its ratings go up substantially. )

In other words, SAUCE or GTFO