Anonymous ID: 433267 Jan. 12, 2019, 1:22 p.m. No.4728757   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8799


We have to fix this and fix it now. It's a mainstay of our existence. In its current form it goes against everything we stand for, and is a big hit on our own description of ourselves. The fact that only a couple of us get it is no excuse, not if we are who we say we are.


What am I talking about?

The "Indictments" spreadsheet and count.

I'm sorry anons.

Those are not indictments. They are sealed criminal cases.

We can't compare our number to the 2006 number either.


The Paper that looked at 2006 (the numbers used to compare), while looking at all cases in 2006, only counted a case as sealed if it was still sealed when they started looking in 2008. If it was filed sealed but unsealed BEFORE 2008, it was counted as UNSEALED. We don't know which ones were sealed at the end of 2006 (or 14 months), but unsealed by 2008 to add it to the number the authors give for sealed, so we can't compare apples. The fuckers trolling us about it are right. WE DON'T KNOW IF THE 1077 number used was the total number of sealed cases.

The authors do, though.


We MUST either:

get in touch with the authors and ask if they can share the number of cases that were filed sealed but UNSEALED between January 1, 2007 (or March 1, 2007) and the time they first checked in 2008. That would give us an apple: we'd have total filed sealed criminal cases in 2006 that were still SEALED CRIMINAL 12 (or 14) months later.



access pacer and extract data identical to what we have now for a 12 or 14 month period just prior.


Determine the TOTAL number of sealed criminal cases in Pacer at important points EG 09/31/17, 10/31/17, 10/31/18, 12/31/18

Most anons spreading the word don't know that the data we're using was extracted from Pacer but doesn't include TOTAL Pacer data: In other words, They don't know that there were sealed cases already in the system when this started. Everyone thinks we started at this arbitrary 30 day point with 5k and that's all there was. It wasn't AND WE NEED TO KNOW THAT.


It just sucks because so much work went into that and that's one of our biggest claims. Not a Shill. Just want this fixed. Please let's give ourselves an Apple to show the world.




Much Love. No Homo.

Anonymous ID: 433267 Jan. 12, 2019, 1:35 p.m. No.4728896   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8916


1000 words right there.

Guessing you don't know how.

Guessing if it was as easy as read the directions used to make our current graph we'd HAVE THE MISSING PIECE.

Will consider taking this on, as not to wave while JFK takes one to the brain,

but law/pacerfags should consider too.