A better Ruth.
The biggest complaint of Trump supporters is not about what he is doing, but that he is not doing MORE.
Yeah, the D's are losing this battle bigly. Just look at their faces as they whine about Open muh govt. Guess what? The American people dgaf about the govt or govt workers. The private economy has been circling the drain in favor of the do-nothing, unproductive federal govt for 25 years. Close more and for ever.
I figure the D's HAVE to try to block the wall, not just to hand Trump a yuge defeat, but to keep open their profitable supply lines for sex, drugs, arm trafficking, their gangsters etc.
She owd. Bezos is an idiot to not have a girl who's 23. Duh!
Who's Huber?
That can change with a few tv shows. Normies believe whatever muh tv tells them to believe.
Yeah, I remember Syanon in Oakland. It had a very bad rep for drugging/brainwashing.
The foster kids are a true tragedy. Many of them have parents who are locked up by the masonic police state for next to nothing. The police need to go.
Great band, I still listen to them often.
Well, he didnt get yellow fever now, did he?
"Chelsea, I'm not really your Dad, and I'm only going to put it in a little."
How will Trump be re-elected if he doesnt purge the voting rolls? The midterms clearly were a vote fraud disaster.
I cant believe there are no leaks on the purported tens of thousands of sealed documents against the deep state. That is implausible, since so many court employees would be aware of them on some level.
I had an encounter with them, they had a bad smell about them.
/They/ always say Trump's a liar, but /they/ never state the lie, or /they/ say something lame like, but muh steel fence isnt a wall like he said. Nitwits.
There can be no MAGA as long as many major states are completely lost, like CA, IL, NY, NJ, MA.
The truth is, most of these cops get shot because they are fucking with people. Disarm the cops and watch gun violence dramatically decline.
How many criminals have accosted you with a gun?
How many cops have accosted you with a gun?
Cal was rich up to about 1990s, in decline ever since. Because demoncrats and immigrants.
Agree. Irredeemable deplorables.