Day 1: Shooting
Day 2: Crisis actors revealed
Day 3: Idiot clown news says "crisis actors"
Day 4: Media changes narrative w/ "idiot cop who did nothing" story
It's simple
Day 1: Shooting
Day 2: Crisis actors revealed
Day 3: Idiot clown news says "crisis actors"
Day 4: Media changes narrative w/ "idiot cop who did nothing" story
It's simple
where is Tony Podesta?
Just as important, note the clown. Top-middle-right side
Trump on stock market: "It did a little bit of correction. In fact, I started to say 'you know, I was in it for, like 13, 14 months from election… I say, is this sucker ever going down a little bit? This is a little embarrassing. It was up 100, up 200, up 1000, up 150, up 90, up 63… I said good, that's better…"
13 = 1, 3 = alpha, gamma
14 = 1, 4 = alpha, delta
100 = rho
200 = sigma
1000 = ?
150 = 100, 50 = rho, nu
90 = koppa = q
63 = 60, 3 = xi, gamma
Thoughts? Still working on this obviously
filename IwoTifa.jpg
checking trips of truth and beauty