The acct No. stuff is mind blowing. nice Find Anon if you are here.
Anyone find anything interesting in the Speech yet? Going through it myself atm.
Famefags are a cancer on anything. How could any individual try to get glory out of something so fucking important to humanity.
>You haven't disproven any of the now well-known crime/IQ stats, you haven't given them any incentives to changing their opinions, etc. If you want people to act as influencers on this, you'll need to empower them with some influence. /pol/ won't stop shittalking Jews until you show them, convincingly, that they're factually wrong about a hell of a lot. Just a heads up.
Anon people living in ghetto neighborhoods for 2-3 generations DO have a lower IQ and DO have higher crime rates. Convincing a deeply racist person that this is 'untrue' would be nearly impossible. The posters you see on /pol/ constantly calling one another Kikes & instantly blaming the Jew for every single thing as a blanket 'explain away' to any 'problem'.
Its a Psyop. What better way to cover your tracks than to create a Cyber Nat-Soc task force that radically blames Jews for everything, (Even if Jews are involved refusing to dig beyond 'the Jew')
You will never convince people who know the truth about IQ & Crime in POVERTY stricken hell holes at our front door. Because its TRUE.
How ever, you can attempt to explain to these types of people the reasons these Poverty stricken hell holes exist. IF you can get them to understand why these 'blacks are so damn stupid' you might be able to make progress. But I personally think most are too comfortable in their 'Know the whole worlds problems' world view.
"Jews man, trust me, I know the cause of every problem on the planet. Told to me by an Online forum presenting information that validates my new world view"
I think what he is implying is. If we don't give them (You) to work with. They work off their own (You) trying to fabricate conversation. If left to Fabricate for too long, their conversation is so painfully AI no one even wants to respond. 100 Posters can hold a conversation across a Bread with out 20 AI shitposting getting in the way.