Anons, In case you need words to send to your representatives I recommend the following. Customize as you see fit:
As long time voters, we respectfully request that you work with President Trump to end the government shut down by collaborating on building the very necessary border wall. We find the behavior of the Democrat party shameful and self serving and urge you to rise above it with the integrity we believe you posses.
The days of the politics of division and hatred are rapidly coming to a close. We urge you to expedite this process by forging bipartisan participation to once and for all reform our immigration process to ensure only lawful entry into this great country.
America and the world are waking up. As demonstrated by the Gilet Jaunes protests across Europe, we are no longer swayed by the lying media and false narratives. We are uniting behind our common dreams, goals and the quest for peace.
Please do the right thing - putting country over party, people over partisanship and humility over power - and work with President Trump.