Anonymous ID: 47e4f8 Jan. 12, 2019, 5:41 p.m. No.4731589   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2057


Israeli shills always attack Bakers who posts good Qresearch digs with Evidence of Jewish Crimes into Notables. But now,


Self-admitted "Zionist and Jew" Baker Infiltrated 8chan


*Zionist Jew Baker on Friday 1/11/19 put in Notables a whiny spam shillpost that includes the same old stale:

>Look-> muh jooos, all the joooos, it's only the jooooos


Zionist Jew Baker captioned that post in Notables with "Reminder RBG……."

The word "Reminder" is constantly used by the whiny JIDF spam shill in every bread, even on the JQ bread. (the word "Reminder" while linking to posts that the Israeli shill doesn't like is meaningless. Yet the Zionist Jew Baker uses the SAME WORD, hmmm…)


*Thursday Zionist Jew Baker posted for pastebin a Photo of POTUS touching the Whining Wall.


*Thursday Zionist Jew Baker named a Bake the "Happy Birthday Jared Kushner" Edition.

Most anons here don't think much of Chabad Jared.

There was a reason POTUS' Cabinet Revoked Chabad Jared's Security Clearance last year. (MSM says that it was returned)


Do We Have an ISRAEL FIRST Zionist Jew Infiltration into Bakers?

Anonymous ID: 47e4f8 Jan. 12, 2019, 6:02 p.m. No.4731847   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Why does Hussein's head look like it was shopped and enlarged to make it look like his head is twice the size of Mike's , so xe/he/it looks moar "feminine"?