why did u take the echoes off the global notables baker??
Then fix the dough so its back in the next general… or we’ll know ur subverting.
its that easy.
ok? or u gonna keep playing dumb?
same copy pasta every fucking bread.
wish u mossad homos were creative. U make it too easy for us.
so ur not going to fix the echoes???
just making sure we know who the mossad baker is.
>i dindu nuffin so im not fixing it
u really think we that stoopid?
fix it or u will get called out.
If its fixed for next bread, then its all good.
The baker said he agreed with the global notable u dumb fuck.
but keep glowing. I was looking for Phil Turd anyways.
the occult ruling blood lines are all jews or crypto jews.
try harder mossad.
How many times does Q have to state mossad??? u fucking faggots are like gnats. annoying af.
cus the baker that added that was being sarcastic… cus we know its mossad posing as newfags that dont realize the JQ is something we discuss here
just like posting bewbs.
So u either know this, or ur a newfg or a subversive mossad (((faggot))) attempting to dissuade newfags from connecting the JQ dots.
now cry moar.
thx baker. I’ll stfu now.