>>>4731111 Masonry Dig bun gets quads
WTF really we have the mason slide in notes, do (((they))) really expect this to fly.
The leaders of Freemasonry love to boast about their leadership in the French Revolution. So do the Jews! "When the Bastile fell," said Bonnet, the speaker at the Grand Orient Assembly in 1904, "Freemasonry had the supreme honor of giving humanity the chart which it had lovingly elaborated."
On August 15, 1789, the Constitutional Assembly of France, of which more than 300 members were Masons, adopted almost word for word, the form determined in the Lodges, which became known as the 'Declaration of the Rights of Man." It was a simple denunciation of the Kingship of Jesus Christ, and membership in His body, the church. The French State openly declared in this Masonic prepared document, that they no longer acknowledged any duty towards God or Jesus Christ and that they no longer recognized the dignity of membership in the Christian church. It organized a vicious attack against Jesus Christ and His Kingdom, which has been carried on relentlessly until the present day.
That was their first step. The subservience of Freemasonry to Judaism soon showed itself. When the question of Jewish emancipation came up in the Constitutional Assembly (1789-1791), it was Masonic deputy Mirabeau, who linked up with the Jews of Berlin and A. DuPont, who rendered the first secret service of Judaism by Freemasonry. There were many more such acts to follow
By 1789, the French State had completely ostracized Christianity, while admitting Jews to full membership. This accounted for the domination of state after state in Europe by the Jews. During successive Masonic revolutions from 1789 to the Spanish Revolution in 1931, the world had heard of the enlightening reforms which separated church from state.
With these reforms came a proliferation of divorce, secularization of education, the suppression of Christianity, the neutralization of private property and the unrestrained license of the press for the glorification of world Zionism and Masonry.
Wonder if my digs will get a notable (You)?