Anonymous ID: 597af6 Jan. 12, 2019, 6:56 p.m. No.4732584   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2603 >>2614 >>2631 >>2690 >>2871



>>4731813 lb

Thanks for not taking any shit, baker

Cuz this shit right here, shrieking "baker comp'd!" to get your way, however well-meaning it may be, is not the best way to work together toward our common goals:

>>4731786 lb

>fix it or u will get called out.

>>4731798 lb

>fix it or you will be called a comp’d baker.


Listen, it's hard to get more outspoken on the JQ than me, or more supportive of including shit that calls out Jews & Israel & uses (((trip parens))) in notables. Those of us that have researched Jewish Supremacy/Subversion have every reason to believe calling them out is central to our work here. If Q/POTUS are about draining the swamp and defeating globalists, then they, too, have to be aware how overrepresented Jews are in the cabal. However…

There is also the big-picture, 40,000ft strategic view of how best to go about it. Are we here to bantz in echo memes, or actually bring the fuckers down? Three points to keep in mind:

  1. We're not an echo chamber, there are many eyes on, and we're here to help awaken and activate as many patriots as possible to the details of the plan. We have to realize they will come to the JQ at different paces, just as we all did. Slow and steady wins the race.

  2. Q/POTUS are driving this ship, not us. Until they tell us to go all out on the JQ, we have to follow their lead and focus on immediate political adversaries, and address cabal agencies in all their forms, not just the ethnic Jewish components of them.

  3. BO/BV have posted a number of hash histories, incl pic, that show JIDF/MOS play both sides of the JQ issue, one reason being to simply to keep the in-fighting at a fever pitch. Why give them what they want by playing into their trap?


Yes we should be free to advocate our positions including what should/shouldn't be noted, and including content about Jews/Israel, but let’s try to dial back impugning the motives of each other by crying "shill" and "comped" every time the JQ doesn't get pushed as hard as we might like. For all we know, baker removed the ((( ))) not to censor but to deny shills their cat toy. Either way, why not just straight call baker’s attn to the problem and clearly express how you’d like it remedied? The fewer legit anons give in to ree'ing over Jew-related shit, the more the actual shills will stand out when they do it, and the clearer our case will be to the people we're trying to help see the light. We want the JQ to go mainstream and for that, it has to appear both cool (ty creators of dank memes) and reasonable (ty cool-headed, fact-dense analysts).

These are my thoughts on this subject lately.

>inb4 wall of text

tl;dr: Only chimps argue by flinging crap out their cages. Be cibilized. Use your words.



But were I a caged chimp, you are certainly a faggot I'd be tempted to fling crap at