Anonymous ID: 5b1f18 Jan. 12, 2019, 7:32 p.m. No.4733007   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3088 >>3114 >>3198

I've been digging into RBG - and it's interesting - I think she's either dead or comatose and this might be why - if she has Alzheimer's as some have suggested - she may have been getting cult cures - but now have been cut off from that supply starting 09/2018 due to the full time security detail.


Also interesting regarding RBG this Comey tweet the "amazing cast" part of it in particular makes me think he's calling on plants as that amazing cast to "rise up" and play the music loudly (the way the cult views their shenanigans in the media is often likened to music)


but looking deeper - "vital message" is a book by sir Arthur Conan Doyle "Are the dead really dead?"


Supreme Court is the entire Judicial branch in a literal sense as they have final say - Q said it's essential (along with senate but not house) - I think her losing her vote means the military tribunals can no longer be challenged legally. They need her to avoid jail - and so perhaps Comey is calling for some kind of effort around her. To squash any report that questions her being alive (or comatose) - otherwise I thought it might be rallying against Cohen reveals but the book connection makes me think it's about RBG

Anonymous ID: 5b1f18 Jan. 12, 2019, 7:36 p.m. No.4733064   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3251


trust me I know all about mockingbird - but it's not just calling for Mockingbird here - there's an extra layer of codes. He's calling in CIA operatives in the media (mockingbird) for a specific objective - it's not who they are it's what he is asking them to do that I'm bringing the attention to.

Anonymous ID: 5b1f18 Jan. 12, 2019, 7:43 p.m. No.4733143   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3311


yea, dead or coma - i think she has been deteriiating fast this is how Q knew to tell us RBG woudl be next - because Q knew she had AD - and when they added the security detail it meant she couldn't get the cult cures - I think Comey needs to keep her alive in appearence at least - and have her staff vote if possible - seriously weekend at bernie's it - they have no choice - without her they are fucked doing anything legally

Anonymous ID: 5b1f18 Jan. 12, 2019, 8:04 p.m. No.4733429   🗄️.is 🔗kun


unless she was getting medication - special cure which Q said they had for Cancer (tho I presume it meant other cures like AD too) - and the whole getting the security detail starting a few months ago means she would no longer have that medication - it makes sense to me why Q would predict she would be next if Q knew about the condition and subsequent removal of her medication for it -depending on hwo the cult cure works the lack of being administered it could be catastrophic - especially given her age and frailty.