Anonymous ID: 4d85e2 Jan. 12, 2019, 9:36 p.m. No.4734459   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4474

>>4733673 (pb)

WATCH tomorrow for a false flag. 1/13/19 → 113 is one of the numbers they like for FF habbenings


113 (1/13) - see attached and below

113 is associated with FF because (sorry to say) the Talmud Baba Kamma 113a essentially gives THEM the okay to lie to us lesser beings.

Other things that have happened and are associated with 113:

>Columbia Disaster was the 113th mission

>NASA est on a date with 113 numerology: 7+29+19+58=113

>OJ Simpson = 113 (a=1..z=26, reverse values)

>Princess = 113 (a=1..z=26, reverse values) - as in Diana?

>Titanic = 113 (a=1…z=26, reverse values)


Whether you think gematria is bunk or not… Q has told us several times to equate numbers to letters. Many of us do it daily with DJT twat decodes. See attached Q post.