Anonymous ID: 6a1cc8 Jan. 12, 2019, 8:46 p.m. No.4733929   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3949 >>3953 >>3983 >>4056

For those who have yet to listen. The best part of the Trump call to Judge Jeanine was when they were talking about the FBI probe. Trump wanted to name some names of people who were soon going to be in a lot of trouble, but stopped himself saying he wasn’t supposed to mention names. Of course, how soon “soon” is going to be was not defined.


JJ also pushed Trump on FISA document release and he refused to be pinned down on that as well. Sounds like things are still getting set up in the background, but he assured her it would happen eventually.,if it’s needed.


Sounds to me that Trump really wants to hand Chuck and Nancy their asses back in a sling and not jump to declaring a national emergency unless he has to. Even CNN polls are putting the blame for the shutdown directly on Democrats.

Anonymous ID: 6a1cc8 Jan. 12, 2019, 9:30 p.m. No.4734388   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4425 >>4440 >>4528

Things I choose to ignore on this board:


Clockfags (you all spend so much time and seem to have little to show for it - but by all means keep doing it, cause you all seem to enjoy it so much.)


Numerologyfags for the same reasons. I like numbers and since I was a kid anon I’ve seen patterns in them where others are clueless - got heavy into algebra and trigonometry - still you all see 17’s everywhere. Sometimes it IS a coincidence, peeps. Adding up the digits in number strings and most of the time converting letters to digits proves not a damn thing. Have fun with your sums, but I’m not buying it.


Anything about JFK Jr, flat earth or Jews is just noise to me. Won’t waste any time on that. Don’t fucking care. I’m here to help get libtards and deep state assholes. Other agendas don’t matter.


Bot bullshit - down the crapper. Same with shill, clown, and idiot posts.


Flame wars. (Who the fuck but you really cares?)


Sick and twisted crap - seen it all before and nothing shocks me anymore. Says some pretty disturbing things about the posters, but again, I don’t give a flying fuck.


What I like are the notables, a small percentage of the memes (ones with facts or sophisticated humor are the best), the sauce, and of course actual Q posts.


I’m not telling anyone to stop posting anything - there is total freedom of speech here. Still, I have total freedom of what I choose to read here - just wanted to let you all know what does and does not keep my attention.