Anonymous ID: d5530c Jan. 12, 2019, 8:58 p.m. No.4734062   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4340


I can believe it.

They just started deployment in my region.

Claiming it'll take about a year.


I told them I wanted to opt-out.

They said I need an opt-out form filled out and then they'll replace my analog with a 'regular' digital meter.

They also said they are going to charge me $50 a month because they have to come out and read it.

I reminded them that they are ALREADY reading my analog meter every month and I'd like to keep it and that this is outright extortion.

They didn't even hesitate to tell me that if I wanted to keep my power on I was getting a digital or smart meter.

Then they hung up on me.


I'm scared to death of the thing because we moved to this rural area to get away from things making my ears ring all the time.

I don't have the $15K to go off-grid solar yet.

Probably never will at the rate the system is imploding.



How, exactly?

How long did you fight?

Please, give us the lowdown.



>'blue something'

Libtard creature from your power company?

Anonymous ID: d5530c Jan. 12, 2019, 9:17 p.m. No.4734249   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4292


Always remember, FWD front wheels act as a gyro when unglued from the road underneath.

That means, no gas or brakes, try to steer into the skid and counter as needed. Just do so GENTLY.