Anonymous ID: da0bd6 Jan. 12, 2019, 11:42 p.m. No.4735591   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5598 >>5622 >>5652 >>5699 >>5933 >>6001

This is a large packed graphic on Comey's tweets and deciphering a few of the messages in the series.


Where is Rome? Q said to go to Rome. See Rome, Iowa. Where did Comey tweet from after his being fired? Iowa, near Des Moines, where his family celebrate his father-in-law's 90th birthday. Where did he pose with a giant gnome? Reiman's Gardens, Iowa, at which the gnome, Elwood, resides.


Okay, that is ground already trodden, to some extent or other, by most Anons who have followed the series of tweets that Comey released after being sacked by Trump.


Who is Kiki? RBG's childhood nickname, Kiki, is also a name attached to a fad in which youngsters step out of a moving car to dance alongside it; this is known as the Kiki Challenge. See #Drake.


Within the phrase, To Kill A Mockingbird, is the anagram, Gnomic Boll, Kiki D-ART.


What is the meaning of Gnomic? Characterized by aphorism; given to the composition of gnomic writing. Comey seems to tweet in code. Nicknames are a general theme in comms, it would appear, as Comey used a nickname when he tweeted while still the FBI Director. And, as we know, POTUS enjoys applying nicknames – even if it is a no-name. No-name, name, I hardly gnome him? Just as some comms may look nonsensical or stilted in style (a feature rather than a bug) to the Normie, Comey's tweets can come across as lacking sufficient comedic style.


What is the key to a sundial? The Gnomon. More preciely, the gnomon's style. See the pic for an illustration – illustration of shadows. The giant Gnome, and the peak of its hat, stand in the sunshine; as did Comey who stood in a field in Iowa of "new growth". The photo he tweeted of the giant Gnome and himself was cropped to cut-off the wooden plaque that tells us the Gnome's name. It is a gnameless gnome, or a no-name gnome, named Elwood, yet Comey said he hardly gnome him.


Where is Elwood Iowa? In Clinton County, of which Clinton is the county seat. It is located just east of Lost Nation.


Comey has a nickname. One he may not have chosen, unlike presidents and their families. During his time as FBI Director, employees and agents came to refer to the Tall One as, The Cardinal. Reading his book and his tweets one can attest to the aptness of that moniker. Joe diGenova added that The Cardinal destroyed the FBI.


Was Comey part of a sundial as he stood in the field in Iowa? For a tall man he cast a short shadow in that photo. Not his fault? He may feel that he stands in the shadow of something greater than himself? Is it what he thinks it is?


The phrase, To Kill a Mockingbird, is also the title of a Broadway show that Comey said he recently attended. In that tweet he presented a photo of the billing. Anons have noted the word, kill. And that recalls the earlier Comey tweet which told of the demise of an old family member; around the time of GHWB's departure.


Prior to that there was the No Name departure, not on his own terms, and now there is the pending RBG depature perhaps also on terms other than her own. Nicknames attached. No Name was a Navy pilot and he resolved not to continue treatment for his cancer – or as Q might put it, his supposed illness.


Go back to the billing for To Kill a Mockingbird and recall what Comey said was an important message: All Rise. Combine that phrase with another nickname that is attached to RBG, Notorious, and an anagram falls out onto our plate.


ALL RISE NOTORIOUS is an aphorism in the style of Comey, perhaps, but it also produces the anagram, Sailor Resolution.


What is the meaning of BOLL? It is an agricultural term, think flax growing in a field in Iowa. But it has a secondary definition which is a biographical name. Don't mind the German guy. Think Bollandist. Think evaluation of the sources. Think Acta Sanctorum. Then Think of The Cardinal's self-importance.


If this graphic, and the deciphering at play, does not solve the future, it may be the interim between future proves past. And it may stimulate the almonds.


(Reminder for newcomers: right-click on the graphic, open in new tab, or download to view details zoomed-in.)


Allspeed Anons.

Anonymous ID: da0bd6 Jan. 13, 2019, 12:12 a.m. No.4735768   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5876

Billing in Comey's tweet:










SHUBERT = [John] HUBER + ST (or TS)


THEATRE = Collaborative form of art using (live) actors


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