Anonymous ID: 84319a Jan. 13, 2019, 4:33 a.m. No.4736642   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6687 >>6689 >>6715



This is good but we need more. Swedish MSM will do, and does, everything they can to surpress alternative media oulets. Berikande Mångfald means Enriching Diversity and is a peak to how teh swedish society is being enriched with this endless flow MENA imigrants. Something that our elite keeps telling us are enriching our community.


Starting to get pretty fed up with that bs. Its time for a yellow vest movement in sweden too, but im afraid we’re to far gone. Please Q make this end.

Anonymous ID: 84319a Jan. 13, 2019, 5:04 a.m. No.4736782   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I think they are more into destabilizing our cuntries so that they can introduce a unified european policeforce, something that im sure youve heard of before.




That site, never seen it before. But a quick seqrch on duckduck gives me a youtube site and the fb page linked previous. Also, a search for that term will give you a lot of different government (county or political) sites boosting how great diversity is and how it enriches our communities. Propaganda. We’ve been told for so long how we will benefit from this imigration, both cultural and financial, that people have a real hard time tonactually see and accept whats in front of them.


Its hard to find unbiased news sources here sice all alternative medias have a destinct far-right view. However, they do report on happenings that MSM seem to ignore completly. From the top of my mind, these sites are and We do have one bastion of free speach however, the forum Its been widely bashed by the MSM and the swedish government have tried to close it down many times, but its still online. Now adays we’ve got different groups and organizations (some funded by the government) that actively try to out and dox people posting unpopular opinions in this outlet and on fb, just lately boosting about how they managed to get some people indicted fore hatespeach in these channels. I rarely post anything online because of whats beeing collected, but id say that im one of few who actually cares about that over here.